Friday, July 12, 2013

An Introduction to BGP Flow Spec

I have given this presentation a few times in the last year and was asked to make this available for public consumption. Essentially, this is a brief overview of RFC 5575, entitled “Dissemination of Flow Specification Rules”, written by Danny McPherson, Jared Mauch, and others. This standard had somewhat of a rocky beginning as there was limited vendor support, but as of recently it appears to have picked up quite a bit of steam with Cisco announcing support for the protocol in the very near future. The benefit of BGP Flow Spec is that it allows BGP speakers to use a new BGP NLRI defining flow filter information which can then be advertised to upsteam neighbors via BGP. The primary and immediate motivation of this protocol is to provide intra and inter provider distribution of traffic filtering rules to filter DoS and DDoS attacks, however it can be used for a wide variety of applications in which filtering information must be dynamically distributed throughout a network. I will probably make additional modifications to these slides as the protocol gains more significant foothold throughout the vendor community and as Service Providers gain more practical deployment experience. As with my other presentations, I will eventually add a voice-over to turn this into a slide-cast.

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